Archive for the ‘Athletes’ Category

Video: Abril and Mary

Contributor: Abril and her mom, Mary

Connection: Child with type 1 diabetes, and caregiver/parent

English Translation (approximate):

Child: “Hi, my name is Abril and I have type 1 diabetes and I was diagnosed when I was 7 years old. I feel really happy and I can do whatever I want.”

Mom: “Hello, my name is Mary and I am Abril’s mom. It has been a year with Ms. Diabetes in the house, but we have realized that we can do anything. There have been some changes, right?”

Child: “Mmhmm.”

Mom: “We have to exercise more, change some of our eating habits. About a year ago I couldn’t even talk about it. I would cry and cry. And today, I see that it is bad but it can be done. We have changed a lot, and we feel really happy about that. What makes me happier is that Abril can do anything – she competes in triathlons, marathons, she runs, she swims, and jumps. She is absolutely happy, and we have learned from this. Most importantly, we have to learn, right? Read and learn a lot about diabetes to succeed.”

#DWontStopMe: Corey

” I was diagnosed at age 33, mid half-marathon training when I suffered a severe foot injury.  I wasn’t sure if running again would be possible because of the diabetes and the 4 bone fusion I had in my right foot in December.  I was determined to prove everyone wrong and on Oct 27, a little over a year later, I PR’d in the Houston Half Marathon – 2:2:00.  Not bad for someone who almost died from DKA last May and who just started walking again in April.  #DwontStopME”

Video: Kennedy

Contributor: Kennedy

Connection: Living with type 1 diabetes

Quote: “What diabetes has taught me is that you can’t let it rule your life. You’re not any different than anyone else; you’re just ‘limited edition’. Don’t be afraid.”

“We Can Do This”: Vol. 3

This is the third episode of “We Can Do This” – a series of group videos where people with diabetes come together around a common topic and share their diagnosis stories, lessons learned, and advice for others. Launched in 2012, the first video showcased five people who were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as adults, while the second featured three people who live with diabetes-related anxiety.

Something that many people living with diabetes (of any type) face is the persistence of stereotypes and stigmas. You may have faced some of these inaccurate, and sometimes offensive, comments yourself – that people with diabetes “can’t eat candy”; that all you have to do is just take your medication and it all just works out; that type 1 only happens to kids (and they somehow magically will outgrow it); that type 2 diabetes is somehow “earned” due to obesity or laziness.

The truth is that type 2 diabetes exists on a large spectrum, and there is still much to learn about why and how it occurs, and in whom. Not every person diagnosed with type 2 diabetes fits the stereotypes, and we’d like to introduce you to a few: Phyllisa, Rachel, Joe, and Sue.

Video: Vic


Contributor: Vic Kinnunen;

Connection: Adult with type 1 diabetes

Quote: “For about 30 years, I lived in a situation where I really didn’t know any other diabetics. I didn’t want to know any other diabetics, or acknowledge the fact that I had diabetes. But, in the last five years I’ve found that there’s a huge community of diabetics, and it’s a resource that you can definitely leverage.”

Video: Steve


Contributor: Steve Richert;

Connection: Adult with type 1 diabetes

Quote: “My biggest challenge has always been staying positive and keeping my mind focused on what I want and what I want to do, as opposed to what I’m afraid of and what I’m worried about. If I can climb a mountain and live with diabetes, you can pursue your passion [too]. Don’t let diabetes stop you.”

Video: Team Type 1 (Matt and Morgan)


Contributors: Matt and Morgan;

Connection: Athletes with type 1 diabetes

Quote: “Don’t change anything you did before diagnosis. Try to live life normally, and get back to your normal life as soon as possible.”

Video: Team Type 1 (Across America)

Contributors: Tom Kingery, Brian Foster, and Phil Southerland;

Connection: Athletes with type 1 diabetes

Standout Quote: “I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 7 months old. They said I’d be dead or blind by 25 – I’m not dead yet. I’m not done yet. All of Team Type 1 raced their bikes [across America] for you. If they can do it, YOU can do it.”

Video: Michael


Contributor: Michael

Connection: Person with type 1 diabetes

“Michael V. diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 6/30/97 shows what you can do with diabetes through his photos.”

Video: Jay

Contributor: Jay Hewitt; Ironman triathlete and 3-time member of U.S. National Team for Long Course Triathlon;

Connection: Person with type 1 diabetes

Standout Quote: “There’s been a lot of things that people have said that you can’t do with Type 1 diabetes… but if I can do it, you can do it.”